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Before Running the App

To ensure that your modifications take effect before running the app, it's important to build the native Android and iOS modules by running the following command:

npx expo prebuild


To run the app, use the following commands:

For iOS:

npx expo run:ios

For Android:

npx expo run:android


To deploy the app, use the following commands:


For iOS:

npx expo prebuild && eas build --profile development --platform ios

For Android:

npx expo prebuild && eas build --profile development --platform android

Alternatively, you can run a single command for both platforms:

npx expo prebuild && eas build --profile development


For iOS:

npx expo prebuild && eas build --profile production --platform ios

For Android:

npx expo prebuild && eas build --profile production --platform android

Alternatively, you can run a single command for both platforms:

npx expo prebuild && eas build --profile production